Bill Wins in Florida Hearing

Some good news for once – Bill managed to knock back the restitution hearing in Florida. From the sounds of things some of the claims made were so ridiculously inflated that it had to be dismissed. Unfortunately the shoddy prison phone ceased to work half way through the call so I missed some details, but here’s the story as far as I understand it.

  • Apparently at least one of the alleged victims wanted $80,000 to cover the impromptu holiday he was forced to take because he was absolutely terrified to the bone of getting an email containing silly little death metal lyrics. I know Cannibal Corpse is bogan music, but $80,000? If I had $80, 00o for every internet troll with bad taste in music I’ve encountered, I’d be richer than Rupert Murdoch. Oh, and this guy didn’t even get an email lmao. Apparently he thought Bill’s psychic powers might cause his head to explode by reciting secret Aryan mantras or something.
  • Some people apparently forgot what the what they said in the original Florida trial, made contradictory statements, and then said they ‘may not have testified correctly in the first trial’. No doubt they were riddled with PTSD from being trolled by the random death metal guy that they were afflicted with temporary amnesia.
  • There was no point pushing for restitution anyway. Hitting Bill with court cases as if he were a great Deutsche pinata and waiting for money to fall out is a DOOMED activity. There is no money to be given.
  • Sarcasm. Plenty of it, share the love.




17 Years for Email/Blog Posts

Bill was sentenced in Orlando yesterday – with 17 years for  threatening emails and two anonymous blog posts. Well, not much of a surprise there. No one really expected this to turn out favourably. Not the 120 years originally announced, but still rather high for a incident that involved no physical crime of any kind.

On the same day in Orlando, another man received 16 years for manslaughter. Interesting that empty email threats  and anonymous blog comments are getting the same sentence as actually killing people. According to Bill they also want to shut off his contact with the outside world completely and actually asked for a life sentence.

Just goes to show that one should be very careful about what they put online these days.

Message From Bill White

I’ve just heard from Bill. Despite the threat of 126 years for ridiculous charges (i.e. anonymous blog comments and emailing death metal lyrics) he’s unusually optimistic. Perhaps he’s not taking the situation seriously….and who would blame him? It’s the stupidest court case in American history. He needs to come back in ten years and sue for millions of dollars in compensatation for this bogus shite.

I mean – tortured and sentenced to 126 years for anonymous blog posts and hoax emails – even a dodgy third world country like the USA must know that’s  going to be one hell of a legal stinker to fight when whoever it is that placed a order for it to occur is out of their official seat of power.

Tortured and sentenced to 126 years for anonymous blog comments is likely to be a public relations horror at some point in the future for whoever decided to do this to Bill.

Anyway, Bill has something he wants people to know about this stupid legal farce: He had a computer expert verify at the trial that the emails in question were found to contain a virus placed there by a hacker. So he was definitely hacked. And so was I. And I have lots of evidence to prove it.

Write to Bill (he’s at this address until November):

John Polk Correctional Facility

Attn: William A. White 201400005514

211 Bush Blvd. Sanford, FL 32773


Donations can be sent to the following address:

Poisoned Pen Publishing
P.O. Box 2770,
VA 22555

Please write “Bill White Defense Fund” on the memo line. Only checks and money orders drawn on U.S. banks can be accepted.

Bills White’s Acquittal Statement

USA caught bending  (if not breaking it’s own rules) again…. This whole trial is extremely dodgy legally. But what to do when the law itself breaks the law? Sit back and watch the country collapse from it’s own corruption I suppose. The argument from Bills lawyer:

The use of this statue to criminalize the use of information within the public domain to commit any crime lacks a rational basis, infringes on the First Amendment right to freedom of speech, chills the exercise of free speech by potentially criminalizing and making it a federal felony to use a name or address that is already within the public domain lest someone’s name be uttered in the context of committing a crime. This statute is constitutionally applied only in the context of the fraudulent use of identification documents, authentication features and information. It cannot be applied here in a constitutional way. Accordingly, a judgment of acquittal must be granted as to Count VI.

Read/Download the full acquittal statement here: Bill White Trial