Major Media Eliminating Comments From Websites

Bill White

A new trend is emerging on the internet–major government-aligned publications barring their reading public from commenting on news articles in publication websites.

The Nationalist Times is reporting that Popular Science and the New York Times are the latest publications to follow this trend, announcing that they are “scaling back comments” and barring comments on some articles altogether.

The issue is the expression of improper opinions by these publications; audiences, who often express views that are nationalist, populist, libertarian, constitutionalist and which advocate men’s rights. While major newspaper and magazines employ a host of censors designed to control the opinions expressed the volume of opposition to the opinions of the largely Jewish-owned publications has dictated that the comments be silenced altogether.

Jewish power in the United States internationally is projected by a government-media complex which controls public opinion with lies, and uses violent force whenever alternative voices begin to pose a threat to the governing illusion. From the growth of mass media, such as radio and television, in the early 20th century, unto the advent of the internet in the 1990s, this power was used to establish the dominance of Zionism.

However, since the 1990s consumption of monopoly media such as the New York Times and related newspapers has fallen dramatically with even large newspapers like the Washington Post and the Boston Globe, essentially failing. Despite the failure of these newspapers, Jewish media had been unable to cope, and has tried to maintain its information monopoly in part by refusing a platform for alternative voices.

The removal of comments sections across the board is likely to further diminish the audience the government-media complex commands. However, the powers that be clearly feel that clinging to control is more important than building is more important than building an audience for their old media. From the perspective of the powerful the rise of new media monopolies, like Facebook and Google, which work with the dictatorship to monitor information or control access to information resources, more than make up for the diminution of more traditional publishers. There are few Google searches one can do, for instance, without encountering Wikipedia, the ubiquitous and inaccurate “open encyclopedia” which generally expresses the Zionist world view.

The effectiveness of blocking public comments as a control mechanism in probably minimal, as most of the commentary being conducted on major news stories is now occurring offsite, in forums such as Facebook and Reddit. However, the effort to further control discussion and debate on public issues shows the continuing danger to the transmission of news that the media-government complex represents.

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