
A noble race is not one that creates a God in its own image but one that creates also the song wherewith to do Him homage. Every rebirth of a noble race is a lyric force, every sentiment that is common to the whole race, a potential lyric; music, the language of ritual, has power, above all else, to exalt the achievement and the life of man. Does it not seem that great music has power to bring spiritual peace to the strained and anxious multitude? The reign of the human spirit is not yet. ‘When matter acting on matter shall be able to replace man’s physical strength, then will the spirit of man begin to see the dawn of liberty’: so said a man of Dalmatia of our own Adriatic, the blind seer of Sebenico.

Message From Bill White

I’ve just heard from Bill. Despite the threat of 126 years for ridiculous charges (i.e. anonymous blog comments and emailing death metal lyrics) he’s unusually optimistic. Perhaps he’s not taking the situation seriously….and who would blame him? It’s the stupidest court case in American history. He needs to come back in ten years and sue for millions of dollars in compensatation for this bogus shite.

I mean – tortured and sentenced to 126 years for anonymous blog posts and hoax emails – even a dodgy third world country like the USA must know that’s  going to be one hell of a legal stinker to fight when whoever it is that placed a order for it to occur is out of their official seat of power.

Tortured and sentenced to 126 years for anonymous blog comments is likely to be a public relations horror at some point in the future for whoever decided to do this to Bill.

Anyway, Bill has something he wants people to know about this stupid legal farce: He had a computer expert verify at the trial that the emails in question were found to contain a virus placed there by a hacker. So he was definitely hacked. And so was I. And I have lots of evidence to prove it.

Write to Bill (he’s at this address until November):

John Polk Correctional Facility

Attn: William A. White 201400005514

211 Bush Blvd. Sanford, FL 32773


Donations can be sent to the following address:

Poisoned Pen Publishing
P.O. Box 2770,
VA 22555

Please write “Bill White Defense Fund” on the memo line. Only checks and money orders drawn on U.S. banks can be accepted.

Violent Anti-Zionist Revolutionary Cultist to Be Executed

Violent Anti-Zionist Revolutionary Cultist to Be Executed Department of Histrionics, Rome, 33 A.D.

jesus, killed by bankers

Jesus Christ Violently Attacking Banking Industry, Inciting Revolt Against Rome

Today, the rebel leader Jesus Christ, leader of the anti-Zionist Christianity cult which has threatened to topple the Roman Empire is to be executed by crucifixion.

Jesus Christ, a notorious trouble-maker in Jerusalem has been caught violently tipping the tables of Jewish money lenders in the temple shouting “MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER’; but you are making it a ROBBERS’ DEN!”

Jesus Christ is also believed to have composed the New Testament in encrypted language consisting of complex numerology which the Roman Empire cannot decipher at this point in time. They have stored the text in case one day someone can decode the New Testament.

It was put before the people yesterday in a juridical process in line with Jewish Tradition and asked if they would rather free the murderer Barabas or Jesus Christ. The people  unanimously decided Jesus Christ was more dangerous and released Barabas. Pontius Pilate, a prominent official of Rome says;

“I’m glad to wash my hands of the affair. Jesus Christ is the most obnoxious revolutionary to ever trouble our empire. But there was no way he could topple it, except with that cult of his. I expect all the Christians to disappear once Jesus has been publically tortured and executed….after all it’s not like he’s going to come back from the dead is it?”

The Roman Empire, following the death of Jesus Christ, expects to live another few thousand years with Jesus Christ gone. The massacre in Gaul is set to continue.

Bills White’s Acquittal Statement

USA caught bending  (if not breaking it’s own rules) again…. This whole trial is extremely dodgy legally. But what to do when the law itself breaks the law? Sit back and watch the country collapse from it’s own corruption I suppose. The argument from Bills lawyer:

The use of this statue to criminalize the use of information within the public domain to commit any crime lacks a rational basis, infringes on the First Amendment right to freedom of speech, chills the exercise of free speech by potentially criminalizing and making it a federal felony to use a name or address that is already within the public domain lest someone’s name be uttered in the context of committing a crime. This statute is constitutionally applied only in the context of the fraudulent use of identification documents, authentication features and information. It cannot be applied here in a constitutional way. Accordingly, a judgment of acquittal must be granted as to Count VI.

Read/Download the full acquittal statement here: Bill White Trial 


Increasing Numbers of Obscure Revolutionaries, Men With Ginger Hair Now labelled as ‘Violent Radicals’

Department of Histrionics, 14/09/14

The Department of Histrionics was today shocked to discover a sharp decline in popularity polls. Increases in public hysteria had been expected due to new propaganda appearing in the country’s largest population of bath salt zombies. However figures emerged showing that an excess of propaganda was beginning to adversely affect the population instead of stupefy them.

“I can’t believe anything I read anymore” said one jaded citizen. “There’s nothing in the news except stories about arresting obscure revolutionaries I’ve never heard of. Who the hell are these people?” He elaborated further by speculating on the increasing amount of dangerous political revolutionaries no one had ever heard of by saying:

“Why does this country even have so many obscure revolutionaries? If they are so frigging dangerous how come they are all guys no one has ever heard of? I think you guys are just subjecting us to bulls**t to cover up other political problems like the economy.”

These remarks consisted with polls showing that recent attempts to indoctrinate and brainwash citizens had been unsuccessful. The Department claims to be coming up with new attempts to generate hysteria which are not as obvious as ‘obscure revolutionaries no one has heard of’ and correspondingly had all men with ginger hair declared as ‘violent radicals’. Copies of the ‘Koran for Dummies’ are to uploaded to citizens computers later this week so that any anonymous blog comments placed by the government look more incriminating. One expert however is worried that the departments lack of ability to invent new and credible bulls**t is damaging political control.

“Every time we get caught spinning bulls**t, more obscure revolutionaries spring up. It’s like the damned Middle East, every time we bomb the s**t out of them, another bigger, more offensive Islamic state springs up. Picking off the obscure revolutionaries no one has ever heard of is getting like playing whackamole. Every time we get rid of one guy, another guy appears that’s more irritating than the last one. For some reason the more people we arrest, the more revolutionaries appear. It’s weird – it’s almost if being arrested and tortured makes people angry. ”

The Department of Histrionics is holding an urgent meeting to discuss how to cultivate more authentic sounding public hysteria that does not create more obscure revolutionaries. Recent heavy handed whackings of political dissidents appears to be not terrifying society into silence enough.

It is as yet unclear if more civilians need to be arrested or if there is a need to generate further anonymous blog comments and upload them to people’s computers. New terms are being suggested by the Chief Officer of Hyperbole to replace ‘white supremacists’ as the new panic trigger such as ‘Violent Radicals’ ‘Crypto-Fascists’, and ‘Manson Admirers.’

New propaganda is hoped to have been generated by the end of next month. The government hopes to have citizens cease questioning our authority again by the end of 2015, when full frontal lobotomies are set to be performed on all civilians with IQs over 120.