Serpent’s Blood Abstract

Bill wants some rough drafts of his manuscript put online, so we shall start at the beginning, with this chapter by chapter synopsis. This (and I may be wrong here as I have not read the full document) begins with the collapse of paganism and a separate branch with negative connotations continuing on to enter into branches of the Church. Judging from the abstract, it appears to feature all the popular conspiracy theories…Jews, Snake Cults, Catholics, Masons and the Templars. All good occult conspiracies must include the Templars as everyone knows.

The French Revolution occurs, the aristocracy is broken and plebeians set up ‘democracy’ to make themselves feel good (everyone loves the illusion of an egalitarian society). Of course a few hundred years later, and the democracy becomes an oligarchy based on nothing but material prosperity…but that’s in a different book I think. Later chapters appear to look at a bit of mild heresy. Judging from the abstract the main theme appears to be that Kabbalistic occultism created democracy. Personally I’d side with Nietzsche and blame democracy and socialism on Liberal Christianity, but again that’s another book.

Read the abstract here: SB – Outline-Devil in Europe

To set the theme, here’s some creepy Catholics.