Bill White’s Ominous Last Letter

The official story on the sudden loss of contact with Bill White is that he’s been moved to another cell and no longer has access to the telephone. However, the last letters and calls I received from Bill were in regards to alleged ‘Human Rights’ violations in his case.

Bill claims he was kept under constant light and video surveillance 24 hours a day, with no access to hot water and an open sewer in the cell. As I have not seen the jail physically I obviously cannot verify this – but he was very distraught to say the least.

This is the last known correspondence from Bill, who now appears to have no access to mail, phone or any contact with the outside world permitted.

I’m not sure if keeping him incommunicado does count as a human rights violation, but fortunately I have a good friend on the United Nations  Human Rights committee, so I can ask the United Nations for advice.

In the meantime, this is the last known correspondence from Bill White at the John Polk Correctional Centre/Seminole County Jail. As you can see its rather ominous looking, given his coincidental disappearance: Bill White, Human Rights Violation

Hackers – Busted!

There has been a lot of people talking about hackers following around this site and others  – so thought I’d put something up in place to catch them if there were any – and here they are, drawn to Overthrow like flies to honey. I have a log of at least twenty attempts of someone with the same IP trying to hack the site. Screenshot of data below.   hack1 And then there is the person below, who has performed not a hack, but a ‘Black Hat SEO’ attack. hack2   Both of these people have multiple entries in the IP login and security warnings. So, at least two dodgy visitors with malicious intentions circling around the site, plus multiple creepy stalkers, and yet somehow Bill White gets blamed for every possible internet misdemeanor? Well about these two hackers? I mean doesn’t the fact that there are still hackers circling around Overthrow when it hasn’t been operational for almost a decade imply that Bill has multiple hidden enemies trying to screw him over by using the internet?

If they are adding links on dodgy sites back to this one and trying to login to the back end, then these are people for whom sending an email or making a blog comment anonymously would be a very simple matter.

There are more also…since we took over this site in June there have been 240 security warnings.