Communists Claim Bill White a ‘National Anarchist’

“An early attempt to directly transplant National-Anarchist ideology to the United States was made by political provocateur Bill White. Starting his political odyssey as a left-wing anarchist, White briefly adopted a National-Anarchist stance at the height of the antiglobalization movement. He penned an infamous article for Pravda online in November 2001, which falsely claimed that National-Anarchists were part of anarchist black blocs. Later White linked up with the National Alliance before embracing the undiluted Nazism of the National Socialist Movement.”

Ouch. Bill just got referenced as footnote to National Anarchism, the most confused political ideology in existence. Contrary to what the obviously Communist maintained website says, National Anarchism actually is just Anarchism – more like hippies than ‘Fascists’. What probably irritates them is the fact that ‘Anarchist’ these days is usually a code word for ‘Communist’. Communism, incidentally, was a murderous regime and Stalin killed more people than Hitler did….

Some other points in this article are ridiculous -National Anarchism is not homophobic…indeed I recall a few years ago the internet melodrama about Troy Southgate’s homosexual prison affair. Since being in prison, Mr. Southgate has been quite friendly to homosexuals.

As far as I know, Bill never liked National Anarchism. I don’t think he’d be too pleased to be cited as an early attempt to import National Anarchism to the US.

More on Complaints Procedures

I’m back with more details on complaints procedures. Apparently the other way to lay complaints about anything happening to Bill (since he’s not even allowed letters anymore it’s obvious that something is happening which is against regulations) is to file complaints with the Department of Corrections. As far as I understand it, because he’s a federal inmate DoC is still responsible for anything that happens to him at John Polk Correctional Centre.

Of course if DoC requested that Bill be tormented in jail this won’t be effective. But if its just a huge administrative foul up by John Polk they may respond.

As the old saying goes, “never attribute to malice that which can adequately be explained by incompetence.” Meaning malice is rare and incompetence is common as dirt.

Given that there is a law in the United States which prevents people from becoming police if there IQ is over 120, this could explain much of the incompetence and quite possibly why America consistently arrests the wrong people and leaves most the criminals free.

Though the United States average IQ is 90 these days – in  other European countries an IQ of 90 is considered to be ‘intellectually handicapped’. 120 may well now be considered to be ‘genius level’ in the USA. I suppose if the police are still above the criminals the formula still works…..

Anyway, the link to complain about incompetence/malice to the DoC is below.

Infamous Human Rights Letter inserted again:Bill White, Human Rights Violation