Bill White Still Tormented By John Polk Correctional Center

After showing some signs of improvement, it seems the situation at the John Polk ‘Correctional’ Center is not going to resolve itself. Despite the initial promise that was made to relocate Bill to another jail, he doesn’t appear to be going anywhere. It’s now three weeks past Bill’s hunger strike and he’s still in a dingy insolation unit, still starving and still sick.

Bill currently has no phone access, and according to two different sources some of Bill’s mail is not being received or being sent. As we all know these are UN violations and Human Rights issues.

The John Polk ‘Correctional’ Center is also in the process of trying to get its accreditation approved (which it needs to remain operational).

If anyone wants to comment on the jails treatment of Bill White, this can be done by sending correspondence too:

For more information regarding CFA, or for persons wishing to offer written comments about the Sheriff’s Office ability to meet the standards of accreditation, please write:

Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation, Inc. Post Office Box 1489, Tallahassee, Florida 32302


Read more: Sanford Herald – Sheriff s Office seeks input for reaccreditation

Oh, and here’s that letter again:

Bill White, Human Rights Violation

Mail ‘Issues’ Persist at John Polk Correctional Center

This is just a quick note to say that there may still be problems with Bill White’s mail at John Polk Correctional Center / Seminole county Jail.

Harold covington’s letter from Bill (here) seems to indicate that he hasn’t had any mail since the 19th of June. A letter of mine from Bill also states this is the last day he received any post.

They may still be reading the mail before forwarding it to Bill, so it’s possible the mail is sitting on someone’s desk in the jail waiting to be read.

Harold however, says that mail has been returned to him for no logical reason. The mail complies with the jails guidelines, but has been returned to him and Bill has not received the letters.

So if anyone is waiting for a reply from Bill, it may not be forthcoming as the jail is apparently still violating some legislations and/or delaying the mail.

Bill White, Human Rights Violation