
Good day to you. I am what you may refer to as the site administrator. I thought I’d write you a brief introduction so we can get to know each better.

Firstly, at the moment this site has three administrators. I intend to make a few more, once I can be sure that people are not prone to erratic mood swings or gibbering over the internet. Since two blogs are currently complaining about hackers, obviously there is also a concern over internet security at the moment…not because there is anything here worth obtaining, but in case any vandals pass through. Only an imbecile would put any important information on a public website.

Secondly, on some issues I have drastically different ideas to Bill White. In this regard, consider me to be a vehement Nietzschean. I strongly dislike the following political sentiments: anything which stinks of Liberalism or Socialism and the entire democratic farce. This is coupled with a preference for Julius Evola – which Bill does share.

My ideal society: The rigidly organised original Vedic Empire, Imperial Rome, pre-democratic Greece. The original ethnos that binds one to the land – pan-nationalism; to each their own soil, sovereignty and authority. Neither Eurasia nor Atlanta, but a world once more divided into individual countries without the Supra-State existing. Europe for Europe, America for America, Africa for Africa, and so forth – without any artificial imposition of hegemony. In sum: The return to the world of Tradition in all levels and the Right restored to what it should be, and not as a mockery which seeks to denigrate others.

If you talk like gutter trash or act like drunken fools, I won’t want anything to do with you. Junkies, alcoholics, whores, schizoids, thugs etc please take the door for Liberals just over there on the political Left. Being Right Wing does not mean a piece of low brow trash. On the contrary: it means refusing to tolerate them.

But, I digress. I’m not here to proselytise my theories. That should give you enough to work with. The only other thing you need to know is that if you run around the internet squawking like a headless chicken, you’ll be gone from this site before you even have the chance to call me a heartless bastard.





Bitcoin Donations Accepted Here

Bill White Trial Donations

For the tech savvy, the hipsters and the nerds that may be reading this site, Bill now accepts donations in Bitcoin – so if your wallet contains lots of virtual money, spare a thought for Bill and drop him a few Bitcoins.

Bitcoin Address for Donations – 1CkyB9Jy6Hxb7EtrKuQesDts8swcJkQVzB

Updated Donation Information

Donations, Bill White

Bill White Trial

We have  updated information for posting donations and orders. Please address all checks to Poisoned Pen Publishing with “Bill White Defense Fund” on the memo line. Also, only checks and money orders drawn on U.S. banks can be accepted.

Poisoned Pen Publishing
Please write “Bill White Defense Fund” on the memo line.
P.O. Box 2770,
VA 22555

There is also a new Amazon link for purchasing Bills books. These can be brought on Amazon here via Poisoned Pen Publishing here.